Friday, 4 March 2016

The soul Remedy

The Dewa Ruci, the excerpt studied this week is a book about mystical teaching. This text explains what and how to learn. in fact the student must be willing to learn before starting the process. being aware that we lack knowledge is essential. Trying to obtain it by force is a trap in fact : “ They are empty, making a sound like the wind. Only their will is strong. They do not receive teaching of the true law.They are full of pride, and fruitless.” On the other hand , a teacher should not be arrogant even though his statues allows him to be so.
The Dewa Ruci is more than a revelation. It is as a small magic box, once opened it offers spiritual gifts. As a guidance, it reflects both the importance of knowledge and the willingness to learn. Both must be present to fruitily: "Austere practices without knowledge come to nothing while knowledge without austere practices". This is maybe the most important lesson someone would learn. This is why the non ending journey of acquiring knowledge must be fueled with a strong desire to learn that should always be protected from all vices.
Another thing noticed is that the powers within us are not equally distributed. in a sense that it is easier to deviate from the right path than to stay straight. Human beings are described as vassals between the seen and unseen. " the red, yellow, and black [of the] destroyers of good actions, in waiting, [with] only the white as a barrier against the uprising of arrogance. The five symbolized that he had now conquered them in one moment, lest he forget that he [now] had the nature of a true vassal "
 When one is aware of the existence of this unseen power, and welcome it humbly then and only then may he embrace his true nature. "If once you achieve your goal, don’t be a chatterbox. Use common sense when speaking, for this is knowledge that must be protected.” The most interesting point, is that it is a secret knowledge that needs to be kept and protected. Though, everyone on earth may have heard about this knowledge at least once in their life regardless of their culture. It is here but not everyone can learn it, only the pure-hearted. The ones free from vices, from desires and arrogance. At that moment they can see what is unseen, hear what is unheard as if they traveled to another dimension, where language is different. If they use their tongue childishly they will be wrongly understood causing more harm than good.
The Dewa Ruci describes the human being as a puppet who would move and perform perfectly if he allows the Devine power to make one with his soul.At that moment, our inner self would reach its enlightenment. The perfect aim in life is described here as becoming "aware of the one high power penetrating the whole universe of creation”. It is a journey of seeking the truth behind existence . Through which one would be aware of the unseen. There would be codes behind real and fake, new senses would be awakened as if one changed dimensions without changing his place. A delightful freedom yet a different perspective; and being different is never easy.

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